Beady comes to FAT Cat

Wow, another addition to FAT Cat Haven.  We have kittens coming out of our ears. This kitten is being abused and needs to disappear.  He has reappeared here.  He is now safe and sound.  We named him Beady because he has beady eyes.  He has had his checkup at the vet to be neutered, shots, tests, and a general wellness check.  Now back home and playing with other kittens.  The vet estimates his age to be between 8 months and 1 year old.  He is very sweet and loves to cuddle.  


5 Newborn kittens

If you have read my last post, I mentioned being busy with kitten's.  Well, 5 newborn kittens were found in a pile of trash behind a store in town.  We were called and went to pick them up.  They had already been removed from their location and put in a box.  We searched for the mom with no luck.  Who knows if she would have come back?  Maybe she was just out hunting.  We will never know.  So the next step is bottle feeding every 2 hours around the clock.  They all passed one by one.  The last one I thought was going to make it.  Named him Teddy.  He was the happiest snuggling on my neck.  He also broke my heart and died at 19 days old.    Maybe Mom sensed that there was something wrong with them.  

So sad, but we tried! 


Fourth kitten

It's been too long since I've blogged.  We've been busy with kittens. The 4th kitten comes a week after her brothers and sister.  She is stand-offish, due to being with her feral mom longer.  I've named her Princess.  The others are doing fine.  I've got a playpen set up in my living room for them.  They are having trouble trapping Mom to get her spayed.  She seems wise to trapping and avoids the trap at all costs.  


Three more lives saved

Well, it looks like we are expanding again.  Four four-week-old kittens were found in the woods with a feral momma cat.  Three of them were trapped and were brought to F.A.T Cat Haven to raise.  They have been switched from formula to solid food and are using a potty box already.  Their names are Groucho, Sugar, and Spitfire.  Sybil, a black, spayed 4-year-old, has decided to play mom.  When they are out playing she tries to carry them off.  We had to dig them out from under the couch today.  They are back in their playpen now.



Purr-fect Start To 2023

Thank you for sticking with us to help ensure that the cats win big in 2023. Because of generous donors like you, we’ll be even more prepared to help save cats this year.

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End The Year With Big PURRS!

It's not too late, there is still time to give your tax-deductible gift for 2022.   Together, we have the power to give cats a safer future. Our work only happens through the steadfast support of caring friends like you. 

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Zoey Joins The Angels

Zoey joined the angels in heaven yesterday.  We are so sad.  We did all we could in the 2 months she was with us but she couldn't stay.  I hope in those 2 months she felt the love she should have always had.  She was such a sweet kitty and we will miss her kisses and snuggles.  Run free baby girl!


It's Here~

The holiday season is here!  Can you believe it?  Well, the cats seem to agree ~ well. sort of!

They are celebrating Christmas, in hopes of catnip toys and treats in their stockings.

Sunshine gives a high five to Christmas.

Sunshine's friends are participating some not happily. They aren't too happy about playing dressup.  But they are all looking forward to Santa coming..  No, Sunshine isn't being strangled  No one was harmed in the making of this article


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Time Is Running Out

Time is running out.
#Giving Tuesday is tomorrow.  When you donate to F.A.T. Cat Haven, every dollar you give will go toward our $10,000 #Giving Tuesday match to help save cats' and kittens' lives.  Your donation will be doubled for twice the impact.  Don't wait time is running out!


Save Lives

YOU can save lives on #GivingTuesday and your gift will be doubled!  #GivingTuesday is coming in just a few days.  We are asking you to step up and donate.  Help us rescue and provide for more cats.  Especially the cats

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Happy Thanksgiving

We wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving.  As we all prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends, let us not forget the cats at F.A.T. Cat Haven.  We need your help if we are to continue rescuing those abandoned, abused, and 

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As we pause to count our blessings this year, you're one of them.  We're thankful for you!  

Because of your generosity, we were able to rescue Zoey who was very near death at the time of her rescue.

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Sweet Zoey

This sweet little girl was brought to us about 3 weeks ago now. She was in very bad shape. I don't think she would have lasted much longer on her own. You can see and feel every bone in her little body, she is extremely thin.

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Amos Moves

Wow, Amos has moved from the infamous chair to the heated window seat in the living room.  Do you think I may have fluffed his chair cushion one to many times?  He is venturing out more.  I see him all over the house now.  Of course, he always comes for his morning treats.  Look at this photo.  Don't you wish you could sleep as peacefully as this, with not a care in the world?



3 New Cats and Willow to Vet

If you've read our blogs you know we had an unexpected expense. The new motorized gate keeps the cats safe. Now we have taken in 3 new cats recently, Amos, Zoey, and Star. Amos and Zoey went to the vet yesterday along with Willow, our resident 10-year-old. They will all be staying a second day and probably a third to wait for bloodwork results.

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Oh My, Missing Cat

The fun just never stops around here. Trying to get everyone in for the night, with treats, of course. Hum, who's missing? Baby-Girl isn't here. I'm off to search for her. I'm calling her and hear a small meow. where is that coming from? I call again and hear the small meow again. Ok, little girl where are you?

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Wall-E goes over Rainbow Bridge

My sweet, sweet, boy Wall-E died Saturday. He was 4 weeks old exactly and gone now. He was just starting to venture out. He took a turn during the night and wouldn't drink his bottle. He just went downhill from there. I am devastated. I can't stop crying. From the moment I got him, at only hours old, I was his mom. It's hard to believe he's gone. He took a piece of my heart with him. His little body is buried in the memorial garden but he is running free, chasing butterflies. He waits at Rainbow Bridge.

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Surprise Gift

We have a new sign to match our new website. Our new sign was a special surprise. It was a gift from our web designer. It looks really clean and lets everyone coming to the house know that this is a sanctuary for cats.


Tragedy Struck

We're so sad! We lost three resident cats to two German Shepherds who came through our driveway.

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Wall-e 3 weeks

Wall-E is now 3 weeks old. I wonder why there is only 1 kitten? Could it be that something got the others and he was the only one left? That would explain why the mom wouldn't take care of him. Maybe she was too frightened to return for him. Well, it doesn't matter now. He is safe and sound at F.A.T. Cat Haven.

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