
Oh, thought I should mention that we do boarding here at F.A.T. Cat Haven.  We got a call from some fishermen who had recently rescued a cat, whom they named Coco.  They need her to be boarded because they were going out to fish for Albacore and couldn't take her with them.  They expect to be gone about 3 months.  Well, when we picked her up I noticed something and asked if they knew she was pregnant?  No, they did not.  I think she is about 30 days along.  So in about another 30 days we will have kittens!  I'm sorry that they will miss this.  I'll have to take lots of photos for them and for you.


Spunky vs. Boxes

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July Holiday.  A little loud for the cats, but it didn't last long.  Spunky is at it again.  Unloaded dog food, turned around and found him tucked inside a box too small for him.



General Blog

At Fat Cat Haven, we are delighted to celebrate the tremendous impact that your support and dedication have had on our mission.  Our work in saving and improving the lives of cats wouldn't be possible without friends like you.

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18 year old Abby

A new cat has come to us so she can live out her life here.  Since she is an old girl, 18 years old, we made her a house cat.   She was driven up to F.A.T. Cat Haven from Santa Barbara.   Abby is a Ragdoll.   She was an only cat, so meeting the others that share the house is not going well yet.  She has found a corner by the couch to hang out and is doing well.  She is starting to venture out more.






We've had to do some expanding.  The last 3 kitties that passed had to be buried outside the Memorial garden.  We had run out of room inside.  There were plans to expand.  Our plans were to expand the walking paths and garden areas.  But we had not done it yet.  So the last several days we have been digging trenches to place cement blocks, making paths, rototiling, raking out the old grass, and planted some new plants.  We think it's looking pretty good and are enjoying the results






We're so sad

We are all a little sad lately.  These kitties mean so much to me.  Losing one really hurts, and they always take a piece of your heart with them when they die.  In April, we lost Sky, a feral, who lived to be 18 years old.  That month we also had to say goodbye to Spots, he was 17 years old.  I hope May gets better.  It has had a bad start so far.  Willow, 12 years old, and Harley, 15 years old, both said goodbye as they joined the others over the Rainbow Bridge.  They all had a good life here, with no suffering, and a lot of love. They are sadly missed.


Time keeps moving on

I can't believe how fast this year is going.  We are a little worried about what the future may bring.  The cost of everything just keeps going up, including cat food.   I can't begin to tell you how much your support means to the over 60 magnificent cats under our care. 

We have dedicated our lives to providing shelter and care for cats in need.  Our numbers may change, but our unwavering dedication doesn't.  Sometimes we find them in very bad condition, but it is our promise to do whatever it takes to heal and comfort these sweet beings.  It is our No-Kill pledge to never give up on a cat, ensuring they live a full life in safety and love.  Unfortunately, we are unable to accept all the request we receive to take another cat due to our limited funds.  Speaking of funds, I'd like to remind you that they all go to the cat in our care.  No one receives a wage here.  We all volunteer our time and resources to the cats in residence.

Therefore, dear friends of F.A.T. Cat, we are hoping that you will remember all the dear souls at F.A.T. Cat Haven and send them a gift of love.  No amount is too small; everything helps!

With your help, we will have the resources to be able to care for our residents and to be able to keep on rescuing others desperately in need of our help. 


I'm Back

Oh my, it has been so very long since I've talked to you, our loyal supporters.  I haven't been doing nothing though.  It takes a lot of time and effort to care for 60 cats.  There is always something to clean or something to wash.  Lots of "cat laundry" to do so they have fresh blankets and cushions in their beds.  If that's not enough, there are lots of kitties to love.

Volunteers in Southern California continue to rescue cats about to be euthanized because of their ages.  Not too many people want to adopt old cats. We accept as many as we can.  They deserve a forever home too.  Now they are terrified, they don't know what they did wrong or why they can't sleep in their favorite sunny window or the soft lap they are so used to. 

Our current rescues are Davey and Harley.  They are here from San Francisco area.  Their parents had to travel to England.  They search for someone or some place for their beloved cats to go, and finally found FAT Cat Haven.  These cats are over 14 years of age, and have had a rough time adjusting to all the changes.  These brothers have always had a household with just the 2 of them.  It's been really traumatic to suddenly find themselves in a new home with lots of other cats.  I'm sure that this alone was overwhelming. 

We have poured so much love and attention on Davey and Harley. I feel for them.  How scared they must have been. They are doing so much better now, and are accepting the other cats.  I give them attention every day, including lots of hugs and kisses.



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Spunky Butt

Here at F.A.T. Cat Haven, Spunky is definitely the King of boxes and bags. . If there is a box or a bag to be had, Spunky-Butt will find it.   Just finished shopping, got the groceries in and started putting them away.  Except this bag comes with a cat. 

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Thank You

Just a quick thank you to all of our supporters who donated funds and supplies during December. .  December was an awesome month for donations.  It sure would be nice if that could happen every month.  Every donation means so much.  They don't have to be large, everything helps. It's because of YOU that we can continue taking newborns, sick and injured cats, the elderly and homeless cats.  This is a forever home for many.  Many would not have survived without F.A.T. Cat Haven.  So thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


Whatcha want?

I'z a sleep, . . .

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Wow 22 years

It's another year gone and the start of a new one.  Fat Cat Haven has existed for 22 years now.   Caring people like you have made this possible.  We receive no support from federal, state, or local governments.  YOUR  support is truly why we are able to keep our doors open and care for these beloved cats.  'We exist for innocent animals like Zipper,, Breezy, Cleo, and so many others that would be dead if it weren't for F.A.T. Cat Haven's 22 years of existence.

Our budget and finances are being strained already.  Our vet bills have gone through the roof, since we took all the LA cats.  They all had a bad case of fleas, which we treated with Advantage.  It didn't work at all, so now we have an infestation of fleas through everyone.  Today they were all treated with Bravecto, It's been extremely expensive. 'Stay toned to see how it goes.

Frankly, if it weren't for fellow animal lovers like you, we couldn't do all this. We just couldn't exist.



Happy New Year

Well, I think we did it all in 2023! 

We rescued strays.  Including Zipper, who adopted us.  He was found on our roof, meowing up a storm.  He was rescued by ladder, hahaha. 

We rescued Beady from an abusive home situation. Starving, cold and wet, no more. Now, full belly, maybe a little over weight, warm, dry, and loved.

We rescued Breezy and Cleo from inhumane conditions. They were living in a slum, in filth feces, and garbage on the floor . . .the floor moved with roaches, even the ceiling. They were starving and flea infested.  Poor Breezy is allergic to fleas, so her little body was covered with sores and scabs.  She had very little fur because of all her scratching and licking.  They are thriving here, clean living conditions and no fleas.

Then we took on the rescue of 18 cats from Los Angeles over a 3-month period.  They came from overcrowded shelters, and some were on the list for euthanasia.  Most are over 15 years old and no one wants them anymore. That is so sad.  Now safe, secure, and most of all loved.

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Fur-ever Home Finally

We just picked up 4 cats from the vet.  One, Beady, has been there for almost two weeks.  He will have to be on medication for the rest of his life. Three of them came up from Los Angeles.  Poor LA cats were probably a little stressed, wondering if they were losing their home again.  They were all glad to be back home.  I told them, this is the last home they will ever have.  They are finally at their forever home. 

Our vet fund could use some help.  All cats received, as well as the current population, will get the urgent care they need as well as medication and ongoing treatments.  We couldn't do it without your support. Thank you!


Making a difference

Together, we can make a difference, in the lives of the 21 cats rescued since September. 18 of these kitties came up from Los Angeles. Some of them had been pulled from a Shelter where they were scheduled to be euthanized.

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Thanks to you


Wow, it's been too long since I've talked with you. I can say, I've been busy rescuing cats. I can't begin to tell you how much your support means to us and the cats in our care.  You are so important to us.  Frankly, if it weren't for fellow animal lovers like you, we could not exist!  

I hope you will consider supporting F.A.T. Cat Haven this holiday season.  We truly need the support of caring, generous, animal lovers like you to rescue these cats.

These innocent animals, recently rescued, most likely would have been killed or died from starvation or injuries because no one cared enough to provide the necessary shelter and medical treatment to save their lives.  If F.A.T. Cat Haven didn't exist animals like Breezy, Cleo, Beady, Jack, and all the beautiful cats in our care, could have been killed because no one wanted them or might have died from abuse or neglect.  Here are some examples of the cats recently saved.

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"Mom, I was doing my stretches and got stuck."   Oh my, it looks like Princess has gotten stuck in her stretch.  She and her sister and brothers are now 3 months old.  They were born on April 15th to a feral mom. They were trapped and taken away from Mom at 4 weeks old.  Now they are all over the house but love to snuggle with Ribs when it's nap time. Guess I better help her get unstuck.


Out for the night

Nighttime at FAT Cat Haven

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Call for help

Cas and kittens find themselves in critical danger during the summer months—in urgent need of care and basic necessities like shelter, food, and water. As we rescue more kittens we rely on the support from compassionate people like you to survive.  By partnering with us, we can save more.  

With you by our side, we are able to rescue, protect and care for those cats and kittens who need us most. Your support enables us to save them and provide medical care for them.  Just as we have for our newest 5 additions.  We have already gotten the boys neutered, vaccinated, rabies shots, dewormed and more. The girls are next. This is all very costly but we can do it with your help.  We couldn't afford to do this without your support.  Thank you.

A gift today of just $5 a month could help to save another kitten.  



From hiss to purr

Named this little guy Spitfire.  He hissed at me when I first saw him at 4 weeks old.  Now he is 8 weeks old.  This little guy is the first to investigate something new.  The first to drink water in the kitchen fountain.  Look at him now, he comes to sit with me when he is ready to nap, unlike the others that snuggle together.