Well, I think we did it all in 2023! 

We rescued strays.  Including Zipper, who adopted us.  He was found on our roof, meowing up a storm.  He was rescued by ladder, hahaha. 

We rescued Beady from an abusive home situation. Starving, cold and wet, no more. Now, full belly, maybe a little over weight, warm, dry, and loved.

We rescued Breezy and Cleo from inhumane conditions. They were living in a slum, in filth feces, and garbage on the floor . . .the floor moved with roaches, even the ceiling. They were starving and flea infested.  Poor Breezy is allergic to fleas, so her little body was covered with sores and scabs.  She had very little fur because of all her scratching and licking.  They are thriving here, clean living conditions and no fleas.

Then we took on the rescue of 18 cats from Los Angeles over a 3-month period.  They came from overcrowded shelters, and some were on the list for euthanasia.  Most are over 15 years old and no one wants them anymore. That is so sad.  Now safe, secure, and most of all loved.

Our rescues are all provided with the medical attention they need, from checkups, shots to surgeries to keep them healthy.

All rescues are thriving here thanks to your support throughout the year. We can't do this without you!  Here's to more opportunities to change cats' lives for the better in 2024.  We can't wait to share with you the stories of rescue, relief, and protection that your compassion will bring to so many.

Happy New Year to you all.  May 2024 be a blessed year for you all.