Cat Tail Diaries

The Cat Tail Diaries is like a book of short stories, mostly from a cat's perspective.


Hi, my name is Amos and I am a very handsome Maine Coon cat. I now reside here because my person died and her caregiver was concerned for me. This isn't a bad place to be either. I was scared at first, missing my person very much. The other cats gave ...


Yes, I'm babysitting. Oh no, I've lost one!

Babysitting Part 2

Where did you two come from? I only agreed to sit for 4 kittens!

Babysitting Part 3

Now where did those kids go?



My name is Boo. I'm 14 years old. I don't care for people as you can tell from my picture. Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone!

Bootzy the taster

I've elected myself, food taster. I have a lot of opposition, due to the fact I elected myself. Unfortunately, I have so much help when it comes to treat tasting. But this was a shrimp sauteed in butter and garlic. Yum, yummy!

Emma & Ribbit

I'z heping him with his breakfast. Honest mom, he said I could have some. Mmmm, that was good.

"Yes, I'm a grumpy cat. I've always been grumpy and at 19 years old I'm not going to change now. You've always loved my fuzz face. Hey, you better not have a comb or brush in that hand. Just giving you fair earning,

Hey, look what I found!

Hey Mom, come here a minute. I'z thinks we've gots another stray. He's a funny-looking cat. Come see. Hoomans can be so slow. You wait there, I'll just go get him. Well what does you think? Can we keep him? [place curser on photo for more picture ...

I'z don't do boxes

I don't do boxes like Spunky. But, I do sitz on fluff balls in any shape and size. This is me, getting comfy and ready to take me's a nap. Different dayz, but still glorious me.


Wine, wow a whole case. Mom doesn't need all of this. Maybe I should open this box for her, after all it is a box. Yep, it'd all about the box! That parts for us cats and this is a big one.

Kill  Them All

It's my job to kill these toys. Yes, for now, it's my role in life. Let's make sure these things are dead. It seems weird to me that I have to go back and kill some again. They just won't stay dead. Oh well, I can do that. Mom doesn't want one of th ...

My Little Lions

We had some mats shaved off three cats and now they have "Lion Cuts". Tiger, Pancake, and Puffy got really matted this year so this is their new look. They are oh so cute and feel like velvet. Click on the picture and see all of them


Premadona, I am! Just call me her majesty.


"This shirt isn't fit for a princess like me, Can you help me get it off? "

Reindeer in Crescent City

Spunky, "Hey mom, I just saw a reindeer! We need to tell Santa. One got left behind. Honest mom, BK saw it too. Should we feed him while he's here? Pop a can, open up some cat food. I can tell you think I was dreaming. We really did, ask Alice, she ...

Ribbit's Spa Day

At first, I was excited, you heard me! Yes, you're going to pick me up. I love to snuggle in your arms. Wait, where are we going? Okay to the kitchen, must be getting a treat for being such a good and adorable Ribbit kitty. It's hard for me to get int ...

Santa Lost A Reindeer

Spunky, "Hey mom, I just saw a reindeer! We need to tell Santa. One got left behind. Honest mom, BK saw it too. Should we feed him while he's here? Pop a can, open up some cat food. I can tell you think I was dreaming. We saw him, we really did, as ...

Spunky vs boxes

Here we go, more Spunky stories. Spunky says, *I do boxes, all kinds, all shapes, even if it's not open. I can wait, I am patient. I'll just sit on it until I can sit in it. Don't make me open it myself. I can shred it if needed. As a last resort, I ...

Sweet Dreams

Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. . . and he's out like a light before finishing his prayers.